Terms and Conditions
By using Tube2FB.net, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:
- You agree to not use Tube2FB.net services to upload any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party.
- By using the Tube2FB.net service, you represent and warrant that you are the author and copyright owner and/or proper licensee with respect to any uploaded content and you further represent and warrant that no content violates the trademark or rights of any third party.
- You agree to not use Tube2FB.net services to upload any content that spreads messages of terror or depicts torture, related to pornography, or harm minors in any way. This includes any form of child pornography, animal sex, violence, scat or any other illegal content.j
- If you upload to Facebook via Tube2FB.net, you must adhere to the Facebook terms of service
- If you get video URL from a website and you upload to Facebook via Tube2FB.net, you must adhere to that website's Rules
Failure to do so may get your account banned by Facebook - Tube2FB.net also reserves the right to suspend your service in such an event.
Tube2FB.net relies heavily on APIs provided by Facebook. Therefore, the service cannot be guaranteed if any of these are not functioning.
Features may have to be added/changed/removed as and when APIs (or their rules) are changed.